
EIR - AR SAVES Image Repository

Short Name: AIR (stroke imaging)
Project Type: Web Application
Project Category: Clinical


The AR SAVES (Arkansas Stroke Assistance through Virtual Emergency Support) Image Repository (AIR) enables rural hospitals throughout Arkansas to share images from stroke patients and seek telemedicine consultation with experts at UAMS. Through the repository, physicians in parts of the state that don't have access to neurologists can send diagnostic images and live video of patient examinations to UAMS for real-time consultations, administer the correct drugs to minimize stroke damage and arrange for transfers to better-equipped facilities.. AIR handles a broad range of information collectively called images, using the standardized Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) protocol. Examples include images (photos, X-rays or CT scans, for example), videos and documents, which physicians using remote access can view or download through secure channels to evaluate patients at a workstation or on a laptop or tablet.

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Web Application




IDHI Institute for Dig Hlth & Innovation


Clinical Staff
Department Staff